Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sorry 'Bout the Wait

     It sure has been a while since I got around to posting an update here.  We haven't really been busy, I've just been procrastinating.  Everything is going well for us....except this crazy heat wave.  I think it's been about 30 days in a row of 100+ temps.  Not that Jack minds.  He just goes outside and play in his kiddie pool, the sprinkler or gets Mary or I to take him into the big pool.  He is trying to form a vocabulary now, he's really good at animal and vehicle sounds, and working on please, cookie, up and some others.  Mary is looking at getting him into day care at least once a week, just so he can socialize with other kids.  He had a wellness check up and his last round of immunizations.  He is doing very well health wise.  He is in the 60% for his weight and 30% for height (not adjusted to the 3 months premature).  Now that he is up and running now, it's getting harder to keep up with him, thankfully he loves his tree swing and will sit in that for a while and give us a break.