Saturday, December 10, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone

Well, it's official.  We now have a two year old boy running the house.  On December 5th Jack turned two.  He had a nice little party and even got to spend it with his California Grandparents.  They flew out for about a week.  It was good to see them and Jack really liked their visit.  Over the last month we took Jack to the Tulsa Aquarium and to see Santa at the Bass Pro Shop.  He loved the aquarium, especially the turtles.  Every fish he saw was named Nemo....I can't remember him ever watching that movie enough to know what Nemo was.  Now aside from cleaning all his toys every day we are gearing up for a run at Christmas, and looking to clear out some of his old toys.  Hopefully we can donate a few to his little cousin Hank.  So, until next time...buh bye.