We made it! Jack and I survived an entire week without Mary (well, there was a lot of help from Grandparents). Mary was back in Oklahoma for her Sister's wedding, unfortunately I couldn't get time off from work so we stayed home. We had a good time, except for his visit to the doctor and the vaccinations he got. He sure doesn't like those needles! Jack is now over 2 feet long (24 3/4") and ,as per last night, weighs 16 pounds 5 ounces. He is getting to be little sack of potatoes.
Jack really enjoyed hanging out with the Grandparents, and I liked getting the extra rest. Yesterday his Auntie DeAnna came by a hung out with him. It's always good to get family to visit. This weekend Mary is taking the little guy to get some photos done. So all you family members can look forward to some professional style pics of Jack arriving soon.