Monday, July 19, 2010

The Heat of Summer

I was kindly reminded yesterday that it had been 17 days since the last post here. I figured I better get on top of things and give all those interested an update. Jack is still doing very well. Almost to the 8 month old mark and just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Last week he made his first visit to the High Risk Infant Clinic. It is just a precautionary visit, to make sure he is meeting his milestones on time and making sure he doesn't fall behind in his early development. They weighed him (17 pounds 10 ounces) and measured him (25") and gave him a check up. Everything is looking very good. He is alert and doing all the normal things for a baby at his adjusted age (which would be about 4 months old). The only thing the doctor told us was that we need to do some exercises to help with Jack's flexibility. He is a little stiff in his shoulders/arms and hips/legs. They also want us to increase his tummy time to help strengthen his upper body more.

Yesterday we took Jack (along with his Aunt DeAnna and Uncle John) to the State Fair. We had a very good time walking around and checking things out, despite to 100+ temperature. Jack got to see the newborn piglets and some jungle reptiles that were on display. He didn't seem to have much of an opinion about them.
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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sorry folks, I've been slacking on the updates for a while now. Jack is still doing very well. He is just a few days away from the 7 month old mark. He has been getting a lot better about his tummy time and hold his head up to look around. He also loves to sit up in his baby big boy chair. Last week he had his hearing checked, just a follow up since he was in the incubator with the ventilator going. Things checked out all good. The nurse was surprised to learn that Jack was such an early preemie. She said you wouldn't know it to look at him now. As of yesterday Jack was about 17 pounds, but that was with a onesie and a diaper. So, he's probably around 16 pounds 13 ounces.

Last weekend he made another trip up to Covelo. He got to chill outside on the deck and took a nice walk. On his way back he got to meet a new friend, Silas Brown. He was born 1 day after Jack (but not preemie). They seemed to hit off. This weekend we're going to get a tiny inflatable pool so he can go in it and splash around. Nothing else planned for a bit, no doctors appointments so we'll just hang out at home for the immediate future.
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