Hello folks. It sure has been a while since I've posted anything regarding Jack. About a month to be honest. We've been up to quiet a bit. For starters we made our first family trip out to Oklahoma. We were a little apprehensive about Jack getting on the plane, but it was fairly painless. Jack wants to be friends with anybody he sees and was just randomly cracking up at several people on the plane. We had a great time for the 2 weeks we were out there. Jack had fun and finally got to meet his Grandfather,Great Grandfather, Aunt Jen, Uncle Brian, Uncle Brent and cousins Jaden and Nick. Of course he was spoiled the entire time he was out there. Grandma Christi made sure his feet barley touched the ground. We also enjoyed getting to sleep in a little while Grandma took care of him in the mornings.
So, now we're back in California. Jack is getting bigger and stronger all the time. He still rolls everywhere in the house, and wants to get into anything he can reach. He is now getting up on his knees and rocking, he really wants to get up and go. When he does we are in trouble....time to invest in some doorway gates and cabinet locks. Also need to move any breakables out of the way. Quite a bit to do, good thing I'm still on vacation.