We have survived Jack's first birthday. Seems like it's been such a long road (especially to start with) to get to this point....but it has also just flown by. We had a great day. Had some friends and family over and started off at house letting Jack assist in the opening of presents. Honestly he just wanted to tear and chew on the wrapping paper. After that we went to the Sacramento Zoo for his little party and some cake and ice cream. If you take a peak at the photos you can tell he really hated his cake! Now we are back at home, exhausted, and trying to clean up the mess of paper and card board that all his gift/toys came in. I've decided to convert the garage into a toy storage for Jack so I might be busy for a few days. I also posted a short video of Jack deciding he's big enough to stand in his crib.
The continuing adventures in the life and times of Jack Passalqua. Born 12/05/09, 3 months premature....but you'd never know it/
Sunday, December 5, 2010
1 YEAR OLD!!!!!!!
We have survived Jack's first birthday. Seems like it's been such a long road (especially to start with) to get to this point....but it has also just flown by. We had a great day. Had some friends and family over and started off at house letting Jack assist in the opening of presents. Honestly he just wanted to tear and chew on the wrapping paper. After that we went to the Sacramento Zoo for his little party and some cake and ice cream. If you take a peak at the photos you can tell he really hated his cake! Now we are back at home, exhausted, and trying to clean up the mess of paper and card board that all his gift/toys came in. I've decided to convert the garage into a toy storage for Jack so I might be busy for a few days. I also posted a short video of Jack deciding he's big enough to stand in his crib.
Friday, November 26, 2010
What a Difference a Year Makes
Happy kick-off to the Holidays people! We hope that everybody had a great Thanksgiving. We certainly did. Jack enjoyed his first Turkeyday ever, he had some mashed potatoes, stuffing and ground up turkey. He was stuffed!
I was running through my pictures and thought I would update with last year's pic, and this years. Last year Mary was on strict hospitalized bed rest, due to pregnancy complications. It was very nice to not be there this year, and so glad everyone is healthy and happy. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
PS-I also included a picture of Jack who is now able to pull himself to a standing position in his crib.......we are in trouble.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Right on Course
It's getting really close to Jack's birthday. Just over one week to go, and we'll be having his party. Jack is doing very well. He had his second visit to the High Risk FollowUp Clinic. They tested his motor skills and tried to determine how he was developing mentally. He passed with flying colors!!! He was reaching for things with purpose and trying to figure out how things worked. He is very mobile, just needs to use his left arm a little more, then get up and crawl. Jack wasn't very talkative, so they really couldn't test that, but we assured them that he loves to chat away at home and is constantly discovering new sounds.
Hopefully in the next few days we are going to get our Christmas Tree up (hopefully he won't pull it down), and try to get a picture for our Holiday cards. Also going to be venturing to Chico for Thanksgiving dinner at my Sister and Brother-in-Law's house. Can't believe it's almost December already....Jack hasn't even started his Christmas shopping.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Almost 1

Hi all, thanks for continuing to read all about Jack. Just a few weeks away from his first birthday, and boy are we all excited. He is still getting stronger and surprising us with some new activity each day. His newest is clapping, he especially likes to clap while eating. He is still working on getting up on his hands and knees to crawl, but he get around plenty good doing his combat crawl. Jack is also getting over his first small cold, he has been a little stuffy and coughing for about 2 weeks, but he hasn't complained too much.
Over the next month we have a bunch going on. A few doctor's appointments, Thanksgiving, a birthday party, Christmas pictures, then out to Oklahoma for Christmas. Jack is now above the 21 pound mark, don't really know how long because we haven't measured him for a while. We will probably have more information at the end of the week, after he has his follow up at the high risk infant clinic.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Happy Almost Halloween
Hi folks. Jack is still trucking right along. He got a few more immunizations and his flu shot for the year. Jack and I have to go back in November. He needs a booster since this was his first flu shot, and I will get mine for the year. He is almost up to 21 pounds, still eating like a champ. He eats a lot of solid foods, but his favorite seems to be stew. For the past couple weeks we've just been hanging out at home, and having a good old time. We had planned a quick trip out to the zoo, but it rained the day we wanted to go. Jack will have to wait for his caged wild animal encounters. Everything is pretty boring for now, gearing up to see if Jack's Halloween costume will fit and wondering he will handle all the trick or treaters coming by the house.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Follow Up
Just a quick follow up to the post earlier today. Jack had his in home visit with the high risk infant folks. They said he is doing very well. Most everything he is developmentally 8-10 months along. He is slowly but surely catching up to his birth age. The nurses couldn't believe how big he was, and that if they didn't have the paper work in front of them they would have no idea he was a preemie. So, quite a nice review for Jack on his 10 month check up.
Jack the 10 month old.
Seems very hard to believe that our little guy is almost 1 year old already, and just over 20 pounds. It seems like he does something new everyday. He is so very close to crawling on hands and knees. Right now he does a modified Marine crawl to get around. He has also found various things he shouldn't. I found all the DVD's pulled off of the bottom shelf of the book shelf, and he loves to pull magazines out of their basket and tear up pages. With cooler temperatures coming he will have to start get his shots to prevent RSV again, and he is almost due to get some more immunizations. Today he has a follow up in home visit from the high risk infant clinic. They just come in to see how he is at reaching milestones, and if he is struggling in some areas they will give us things we can do to work with Jack.
Not a lot planned over the next couple weeks. We are just going to chill at home. His regular babysitter on Monday's and Tuesdays, Penny, will be back in Oklahoma visiting the family, so he will get some substitutes. My sister and brother-in-law are coming down this Sunday to provide day care, and his Grandma and Grandpa Passalaqua are coming to hang out too.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Laggin on the Bloggin

Hello folks. It sure has been a while since I've posted anything regarding Jack. About a month to be honest. We've been up to quiet a bit. For starters we made our first family trip out to Oklahoma. We were a little apprehensive about Jack getting on the plane, but it was fairly painless. Jack wants to be friends with anybody he sees and was just randomly cracking up at several people on the plane. We had a great time for the 2 weeks we were out there. Jack had fun and finally got to meet his Grandfather,Great Grandfather, Aunt Jen, Uncle Brian, Uncle Brent and cousins Jaden and Nick. Of course he was spoiled the entire time he was out there. Grandma Christi made sure his feet barley touched the ground. We also enjoyed getting to sleep in a little while Grandma took care of him in the mornings.
So, now we're back in California. Jack is getting bigger and stronger all the time. He still rolls everywhere in the house, and wants to get into anything he can reach. He is now getting up on his knees and rocking, he really wants to get up and go. When he does we are in trouble....time to invest in some doorway gates and cabinet locks. Also need to move any breakables out of the way. Quite a bit to do, good thing I'm still on vacation.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Jack Gets Spoiled by Some OK Visitors
Happy mid-August everyone. Hope that your summers are going a great as ours is. Jack is doing very well and sure is getting big. He was up to 18 pounds 13 ounces as of two days ago. Not quite sure how tall he is, since we haven't measured in a while. It's nice to see him hitting his milestones too. He loves rolling around on the ground. We have basically carpeted our living room with blankets so he doesn't bump his head on the wood floor. He is also getting ready to start crawling (we think). He is pulling his knees up, but just needs to work on coordinating that with his hand and arms. We have also noticed him really reaching for things and going out of his way to get to his favorite toys. Jack has also tried a variety of mushed up foods now....carrots, peas, mangos, papayas, apples, sweet potatoes, bananas, peaches, and pears. He seems to favor the carrots and peas and really dislikes the papayas.
Mary's Mom Christi, and her friend Anita came out to visit over the last week. Needless to say Jack has the need to be held now for all his waking hours. It was great to have them out here. It gave us a little help so we could get a little extra rest, and it's always fun to have Grandparents come and give little Jack some attention. Jack made a couple excursions with everyone. One over to Bodega Bay and one without me up to Covelo. It seemed very quiet at the house with everyone gone, but we'll be seeing them soon.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Jack versus the Carrots
It's August first and Jack is closer to being 8 months old (5 months adjusted). He is still chug chug chugging along. Mary weighed him yesterday and he was 18 pounds 1 ounce. It's getting to be quite a load toting him around in his car seat. The last couple days he's had a couple road trips with me. One down to Vallejo to visit family and the other up to Williams to have lunch and pick up my parents dog. He really does well riding in the car. Usually he takes a little nap or he just sits quietly and watches the scenery. It will be awesome when he's back there yelling and throwing things.
Today Mary gave him his first taste of solid foods. He had some mushed up carrots, and he loved them. At least it looked like he loved them.
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Heat of Summer
I was kindly reminded yesterday that it had been 17 days since the last post here. I figured I better get on top of things and give all those interested an update. Jack is still doing very well. Almost to the 8 month old mark and just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Last week he made his first visit to the High Risk Infant Clinic. It is just a precautionary visit, to make sure he is meeting his milestones on time and making sure he doesn't fall behind in his early development. They weighed him (17 pounds 10 ounces) and measured him (25") and gave him a check up. Everything is looking very good. He is alert and doing all the normal things for a baby at his adjusted age (which would be about 4 months old). The only thing the doctor told us was that we need to do some exercises to help with Jack's flexibility. He is a little stiff in his shoulders/arms and hips/legs. They also want us to increase his tummy time to help strengthen his upper body more.
Yesterday we took Jack (along with his Aunt DeAnna and Uncle John) to the State Fair. We had a very good time walking around and checking things out, despite to 100+ temperature. Jack got to see the newborn piglets and some jungle reptiles that were on display. He didn't seem to have much of an opinion about them.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Sorry folks, I've been slacking on the updates for a while now. Jack is still doing very well. He is just a few days away from the 7 month old mark. He has been getting a lot better about his tummy time and hold his head up to look around. He also loves to sit up in his baby big boy chair. Last week he had his hearing checked, just a follow up since he was in the incubator with the ventilator going. Things checked out all good. The nurse was surprised to learn that Jack was such an early preemie. She said you wouldn't know it to look at him now. As of yesterday Jack was about 17 pounds, but that was with a onesie and a diaper. So, he's probably around 16 pounds 13 ounces.
Last weekend he made another trip up to Covelo. He got to chill outside on the deck and took a nice walk. On his way back he got to meet a new friend, Silas Brown. He was born 1 day after Jack (but not preemie). They seemed to hit off. This weekend we're going to get a tiny inflatable pool so he can go in it and splash around. Nothing else planned for a bit, no doctors appointments so we'll just hang out at home for the immediate future.
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