Sunday, December 5, 2010

1 YEAR OLD!!!!!!!

We have survived Jack's first birthday. Seems like it's been such a long road (especially to start with) to get to this point....but it has also just flown by. We had a great day. Had some friends and family over and started off at house letting Jack assist in the opening of presents. Honestly he just wanted to tear and chew on the wrapping paper. After that we went to the Sacramento Zoo for his little party and some cake and ice cream. If you take a peak at the photos you can tell he really hated his cake! Now we are back at home, exhausted, and trying to clean up the mess of paper and card board that all his gift/toys came in. I've decided to convert the garage into a toy storage for Jack so I might be busy for a few days. I also posted a short video of Jack deciding he's big enough to stand in his crib.

1 comment:

  1. He is standing up so good in the video, can tell he enjoyed his cake.Now that he is one, he will be doing all sorts of things, can't wait to see what he does next!

    Love you Jack
