Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy 2011

Hello all. Happy New Year to everyone and we hope your holidays were great. It's been a little bit since the last post and we've been busy. After Jack's birthday we've had a couple doctor appointments (everything is going great), and a nice trip half way across the country. Oh yeah and a trip to the ER after Jack fell/slid forward then hyperventilated and kind of passed out. I wasn't in the house to see what all went down, but Mary was freaking out so we called 9-1-1 and then took him to the ER. Apparently I did the same thing when I was little and it's pretty common. Jack was fine and had a great time meeting all the new people, from firefighters to nurses and doctors.

We all went out to Oklahoma for Christmas. The flights both ways were pretty good. Jack got a little fussy, but no big out breaks of crying or yelling. He had a great time getting to see all his Oklahoma family. He also wasn't lacking for gifts and being spoiled. We brought back a suitcase full of new clothes and toys for him, plus Grandma Christi had to ship an additional box to us.

So now we're back in Cali and enjoying what has been a wet start to the new year. Jack did get an infection, we're not sure how, in a node under his chin. Poor little fella looked like he had Jay Leno's chin. It hasn't seemed to bother him, and the swelling and redness has gone down with his antibiotics. Hopefully we have seen the last of the hospitals for at least 5 months.

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