Hello all. Today the family made the trek down to Vallejo to visit the Passalaqua-Jeffcoat relatives. Jack got to meet his Great Grandpa Joe for the first time, and hung out for a few hours while everyone got to know him a little better....outside of the hospital. Great Grandma Nan, Great Uncle Mike and Great Aunt Mary were alos there. Jack behaved himself for the most part, and was very content to be passed around and have the family hold him. Jack also seemed to enjoy his car ride (both there and back again). As soon as his head hit that car seat head rest he was out! It was very good to get down that way to see everyone, and it was a success as a first outing for Jack.
Tomorrow Aunt DeAnna is supposed to be stopping by to visit with er favorite nephew. Then Jack has a couple days of doctors appointments. One for a routine check up to make sure he is still gaining the weight (we'll also enquire about his possible reflux issue), then the next day for an RSV vaccination. Now if we can just figure out how to get him to sleep between 7 and 11 pm.
We finally got a picture of Uncle Mike without his hand blocking the camera. Yea!