Hello out there in innerweb land. For those still keeping track of Jack, he is doing very well. At our last weighing of him he was up to 8 lbs 4.5 oz. That was 2 days ago I believe. It's been pretty quiet on the visitor front. Nothing like the first 2 weeks. We had a lot of people that wanted to say hi to Jack....and it was very good to see everyone and have them in our home. We go a visit from Mary's aunt Sharon on Thursday. She made us some pot roast dinner and came to lend a hand with Jack during the night so we could get a little rest.
Jack still has some fussiness at evening/night. Every time we think we figure out what's going on he switches it up to keep us on our toes. We think he may be having bouts of reflux, because he seems to be in some pain after eating and is making some throaty noises/having little spit ups. He has a hard time laying in his crib on his back. We have found that he gets the best sleep and most comfort when sitting semi-upright in his swing. So, we have let him sleep in there, we just move it from his room to the living room during days and nights. We'll keep that up until we talk to his pediatrician on Tuesday.
We took Jack and the dogs for a walk today. Down to the dog park, it seems to allow everyone involved to get some rest and play. Tomorrow we are going on a road trip to Vallejo. He is going to hang out with the Great Grandparents and Great Aunt & Uncle. I will be sure to take a lot of pictures.
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