Jack is still doing well. The overnight nurse said he had a few bradycardia episodes, but he brought himself back each time without being stimulated. Today he weighed in at 2 lbs 10 oz (1200 g). We're very glad that he is continuing to gain weight and get healthy. The doctors again increased his feeding up to 25 ml, and he is digesting all the food he gets.
I got to do some kangaroo care for about 40 minutes at his 11:30 care time. He did very well. Mary found it rather amusing that he spent the first few minutes grabbing and pulling my chest hair. After a while he started getting squirmy and grumpy so we put him back in his isolette to rest up. He also got a visit from Grandma Patti, Grandpa Dennis, Aunt DeAnna and Uncle John. At Jack's last care time he got three diaper changes. As soon as Mary or I changed one he pooped it was quite funny.
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