Today Jack is 11 days old. He weighed in this morning the same as yesterday, 2 lbs 2.6 oz (980 gs). He is still doing good keeping down and digesting all his feedings. Jack has started having increased episodes of apnea. He had enough that there is talk that he may have to go back to a ventilator. Also, some eye gunk returned. It is possible that he has gotten an infection and they have taken some blood to run tests on. We should know more on that front tomorrow or the next day, but they would start him back on antibiotics is they found an infection. If it is an infection it could be contributing to his apnea, because his system is overloaded trying to fight the infection. His bilirubin levels went up again so they placed Jack back on phototherapy. The blood that was in the fluid near the brain hasn't absorbed/drained as doctors had hoped. Again that could be a side effect of the infection (if he has one). It hasn't got any worse, but it hasn't improved. It is something the doctors will keep an eye on over the next week.
Earlier in the day Mary and I went to a preemie handling class that gave us some pointers handling Jack while he is doing his care time in the NICU. I think everything just took it's toll today. Jack didn't have a very good day, and we just need to keep focused on the overall goal. There will be ups and downs, and today was a downer. Mary and I are back at the house for the night. We will destress, recharge, reload then head back out to Kaiser tomorrow.
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