Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Another day and Jack is making slow but steady progress. Yesterday he gained 50 grams, he now weighs 1120 g, 2 lbs 7 oz. He's had a few bradycardia episodes, most of them around his care times. He recovers from a majority of on his own. Again they have increased his feeding amounts. He is up from 19ml to 21ml of the fortified milk. Since he isn't getting IV fluids they also removed Jack's PICC line. He also had his oxygen pressure on his CPAP lowered. They are thinking about moving him over to a nasal canula with low flow oxygen.

He is still feisty as ever and we think he is getting stronger. We also took a trip up to Cousin Penny's house for Christmas Eve dinner. It was delicious! We are staying the night at the trailer, watching classic Christmas movies.

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