Well, overnight, Jack was put back on the ventilator. It wasn't unexpected after all of the apnea episodes. He was doing good on his oxygen levels today and hasn't had any problems. This morning Jack was still hovering around 2 lbs 3 oz (980 gs). We would like for him to start putting on a little weight, but not losing weight is a good start. The doctors have increased his feeding from 3ml to 5ml per feeding. He is still tolerating and digesting all of the milk that Mary is supplying for him.
His bilirubin levels came back down again, so no more big blue light hanging over him. It nice not to see him under all that phototherapy equipment. The nurse he had today said that he was being pretty feisty and was doing pretty good for where he is at now. They are also measuring his head to check for any swelling, today he was at 25cm yesterday 25.5 cm. We are hoping that they are measuring in the same place everytime and that his blood/fluid is decreasing.
Jack did get a few bonus visitors today. He had Aunt Sharon, Aunt Bev and Cousin Derek swing in to say hi. Mary and I did take a little break for ourselves and venture across the street and watched a movie. It was nice to decompress a little. At the end of our day, we swung back in for his 9:30pm care time to say goodnight. The nurse said he had been doing good all evening. We said goodnight and each gave him a little goodnight kiss. We are feeling a little better tonight.
Glad that Baby Jack is doing better today. Hope tomorrow is a good day too. Goodnight.