Jack is 13 days old today. He now weighs 2lbs 4oz (1030 g) it's great he put on some weight over that day. When we arrived at the hospital he had been taken back off of his ventilator. His setting were at the lowest they could keep him at for that particular machine. He was placed back on the SIPAP machine. They doctor upped his feeding again from 6 to 7ml, and he was doing good digesting the extra food. He was also taken off of his antibiotics.
During his care time Jack seemed to be have a blast sucking on his feeding tube and gumming at his thumb knuckle. This evening Jack has an EKG done to see if the doctors might find some clue as to why his heartrate was on the high side. It was probably the most stressful thing I've watched so far. I wasn't intrusive, but the had so many probes on him that it bothered me. I almost had to leave the room. It was also a pain trying to get all those probes back off. They all had very sticky adhesive on the back and Jack fussed and cried the entire time.
Today had it's stresses, but overall it was a good day. He gained some weight and isn't on that ventilator anymore. He also got to put a couple pictures of his puppies in his sleep chamber. Now we can enjoy a night in the Orlando's trailer.
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