Well, Jack is still doing well. He put on a little weight overnight during rest time. He is now 2 lbs 6 oz (1070 g). He gained 50 grams!!! He is still on the SiPAP, but they have lowered the pressure to keep his little lungs inflated. The doctors also upped his feeding amount to 12 ml, up from 9.5 ml. He had a couple bradycardia episodes, but they were right after his care time. He was just showing us he was upset that we disturbed his resting time.
We brought Jack in his own personal blanket to dress up his sleeping chamber. All the other kids are way jealous. Mary and I both got to hold Jack at his 7:30pm care time. It was my first time holding him (as you can tell from the apprehensive position I'm holding him in the pictures). We also had a couple Kaiser visitors bring us a package of cookies and a bottle of apple cider. They had heard that people with trailers had kids or babies in the ICU and decided to bring us all a gift package. So we are turning in for another trailer night in the casita de Orlando. Oh, that really dark picture is Mary in bed in the corner with her miner light on reading.
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