Jack has reached the 33 week mark. He is still doing well, seems to have less and less times when his heart rate dips. He weighed in today at 4 lbs 12 oz, up slightly after his loss yesterday. It's very nice to seem him getting better and better each day. Mary started doing some recreational breast feeding. She holds Jack after she pumps and he tries to suck away. He still isn't certain about all this stuff. Per the nurse he still hasn't mastered the suck/swallow/breath reflex, so they won't actually have him on a bottle or breast until about 34 weeks.
We are going to go to get him a baby bath tub. We are going learn all the bathing basics. Not much else new, just resting and getting things closer to being ready for Jack to come home.
Curt I finally see the resemblance Jack has with you. It's the picture where Jack's crying, ha ha ha!!!