So folks, another day and another weight gain for little (getting bigger) Jack. He gained another 1.5 oz, and he is now up to 3 lbs 10 oz (I think it's more like 9.something and they're rounding up). No other changes were lined up for him. He is still eating the same amount and has his oxygen set up at the same levels. He was very cranky today during his care times. He must have wanted a little extra attention. Jack also tried to escape his bedding and almost wiggles his way out of his diaper. He had wiggled so much that when Mary went in for one of the care times he had a little plumber's crack showing.
Mary got to do the kangaroo time today. The nurses mentioned that we might try 2 times a day now that he is getting bigger. That would be fun for us, but we want Jack to get his rest a grow. On a Jack related not, we are one step closer to having his room done. We went and picked up a few frames for the custom art work Mary did for above his crib. I might be biased, but I think it looks fantastic.
I love Mary's ABC's. It looks great.
Love the artwork, Mary.