Today Jack did his first official bottle feed. He did very well. I got to do it, and he took his whole feeding amount. We thought that he might get overwhelmed or too tired, I guess he was hungry. Jack weighed in at 5 lbs 9 oz, something is either wrong with the scale they had been using, or the one the used today because there's no way he gained half a pound in one day. Also, if you pay close attention to his little leg there is a monitor on it. No, he is not on house (err nursery) arrest, they put a monitor on all babies his age/size so nobody tries to snatch him. Think of it as a lo-JACK device for babies....yes pun intended.
Not much else is going on with baby Jack. The nurses all tell us he is doing wonderfully and he is making excellent progress. We like that kind of news.
Wow, he did really good drinking a whole bottle, must like moms milk.Looks like it might take him awhile to fill out the cute blue stripped outfit.Can really see the red hair.