The post made it in a little earlier than yesterday's. Jack lost 2 oz overnight probably just burning more calories maintaining body temp and stress from his head ultra sound (we hope). The ultra sound was good. All previous problems are getting better or have resolved, and nothing new has surfaced. Today he had his follow up to the bottle feeding evaluation. The nurses were surprised by how much better he had gotten and are recommending he get 1 or 2 bottle feeds daily. As he gets better they will increase them until all feedings are on breast or bottle. When that comes he can have his feeding tube removed and be a little closer to going home. Jack also got moved to a regular hospital crib and out of his isolette. It's not quite as roomy as his last bed, but it's for the bigger boys. One last improvement was the doctor discontinuing the monitor that check his oxygen saturation. They felt that his breathing and heart rate was doing just fine. He also hasn't had an apnea or bradycardia episode in 5 days (2 since switching to room air).
Last but not least Jack got a visit from Grandma & Grandpa Passalaqua who were very surprised at the progress he has made since their last visit. Keep up the good work Jack!!!!
jack is looking so much like Mary and Katie did as babys. He is so darn cute, looks so cute in his blue outfit. Posted this once, didn't work,glad Curt posted the blog early, going througha ice storm and have lost electric already once.
ReplyDeletelove Grandma Christi
Curt and Mary, Jack is getting so big and is so cute. The hair is getting more red all the time. So glad things are going so well and hope you'll all be home soon.
ReplyDeleteLove, Aunt Sharon